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Telegram OTP Guide

Start Working with Telegram as your Safe-T box 365 OTP solution

To start working with Telegram as your OTP solution, your system administrator must set up a Telegram bot first and send you, his name.

Your mobile number must be attached to your user in the system, this can be done using our shelf registration link or manually by your system administrator.

Telegram must be also installed on your phone or remote device.

To download the compatible version for your device go to Telegram official website or to the store of your device

  1. Open Telegram App on your mobile device
  2. Search for the Telegram bot name safe-tbox365 provided to you by your system administrator, in the main search window. For example:
  1. Start messaging with this bot by typing /start command.
  1. You will get the request to click or tap the ‘Validate My Mobile Number’ button to get the number validated and added to the cache in the service memory:

If the mobile number isn’t validated by the user, the authentication request will not be sent to Telegram bot chat.

  1. Once you click or tap the ‘Validate My Mobile Number’ button - you will see the following confirmation pop-up window:

Confirm validation by clicking/tapping the ‘SHARE’ button.

After that you will see the following message:


At this point, the OTP Integration via Telegram bot is ready to be used by you and you can start receiving OTP.

  • Note: There is no need to do the process again for each device, it will work for any platform connected to this account once the process is completed.
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